Microsporidial Products
A700 Microspor-FA™
The Microspor-FA™ kit utilizes the principle of direct immunofluorescence. The antibody reagent consists of a fluorescein (FL)-labeled polyclonal antibody made to outer spore wall antigenic sites (epitopes) of Encephalitozoon intestinalis. The reagent will bind to spores of E. intestinalis, E. hellum, and E. cuniculi if they are present. The spores measure approximately 1 um by 2.5 um; however, it should be noted that the size and shape of spores can vary greatly (0.5-1.2 um by 1.5-2.5 um)1,2. The spores will appear bright apple-green when viewed under a fluorescence microscope using the appropriate filters for fluorescein.
A710 MicrosporUltra-FA™
The A710FL kit is intended for use in immunofluorescence detection of spores of Encephalitozoon species and Enterocytozoon beinusi spores in environmental samples. The reagent consists of two fluorescein (FL)-labeled monoclonal antibodies. One monoclonal antibody was made to outer spore wall antigenic sites (epitopes) of Encephalitozoon intestinalis; the other antibody was made to outer spore wall antigenic sites (epitopes) of Enterocytozoon bienusi. The reagent will bind to spores of E. intestinalis, E. hellum, and E. cuniculi and E. beinusi if they are present. The spores measure approximately 1 um by 2.5 um; however, it should be noted that the size and shape of spores can vary greatly (0.5-1.2 um by 1.5-2.5 um)1,2. The spores will appear bright apple-green when viewed under a fluorescence microscope using the appropriate filters for fluorescein.
A720FL Bienusi-Glo™
The A720FL kit is intended for use in immunofluorescence detection of spores of Enterocytozoon beinusi spores in environmental samples. This kit utilizes the principle of direct immunofluorescence. The reagent consists of a monoclonal antibody made to outer spore wall antigenic sites (epitopes) of Enterocytozoon bienusi. The reagent will bind to spores of E. beinusi if they are present. The spores measure approximately 1 um by 2.5 um; however, it should be noted that the size and shape of spores can vary greatly (0.5-1.2 um by 1.5-2.5 um)1,2. The spores will appear bright apple-green when viewed under a fluorescence microscope using the appropriate filters for fluorescein.