Giardia/Cryptosporidium Research


  • According to the CDC, Giardia and Cryptosporidium have been found in 1 in 12 swimming pools in the Atlanta area. Diaherreal infections caused by these parasites may be misdiagnosed due to health care providers underappreciating the prevalence of these protozoa in swimming pools. 

  • The genome of Giardia lamblia has finally been unlocked! According to the September 28, 2007 issue of Science, researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory described the genetic sequence of the parasite. This brings us one step closer to developing more effective treatments for Giardiasis. 

  • 1,000 year old samples of Giardia lambliahave been found at a medieval archaeological site in Pineuilh, France using immunological kits (immunofluorescence [IFA] assays). This marks the first time that IFA technology has been utilized to detect ancient protozoa. 

  • Evolutionary geneticists have found evidence that Giardia has genes that are required for meiosis to occur. The same study also shows that Giardia has undergone recombination in certain populations. 

  • Scientists at the Central Science Laboratory in the United Kingdom have developed a method for determining the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium on salad lettuce. 

  • Japanese scientists have shown that 26% of grass snakes in the region studied were infected with Cryptosporidium

  • Brazilian scientists have shown that ozone is the most effective at inactivating Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts when compared to chlorine dioxide and chlorine.